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About Us


After finding a lot of Fake products and scams in the South African market, the owner and founder of Nutri’lean teamed up with a very well established accredited pharmaceutical Laboratory to formulate KETO products that are EFFECTIVE AND SAFE to use.

A product that can be trusted! WHAT’S ON THE LABEL IS INSIDE THE BOTTLE!

After months of research and testing, we are extremely proud to introduce our KETO FAT BURNER AND KETO CLEANSE products.


Essentially the keto diet works by cutting out carbohydrates and sugars, which is the body’s preferred source of fuel, while increasing your intake of healthy fats (such as nuts and avocadoes) and eating a moderate amount of protein.

This way of eating forces the body to go into a type of fasting state, where fat stores are used for energy rather than glucose from carbs.

Once the body switches to burning fat for fuel (rather than glucose from carbs, sugars and fruit), small molecules call ketones are produced, which build up in the blood stream.

Once they reach a certain level, the body then goes into a state of ketosis – and this is when rapid weight loss happens as the liver starts to break down fat.

Our Keto products ellevate your Ketone levels in your blood immediately, therefore kickstarting you straight into ketosis.

Menus and Recipes

Delicious Menus and Recipes

More following soon

Our 7-day Meal Plan

A 7-Day Sample Menu for the Keto Diet

Nutrilean is a company based in Pretoria. We developed Keto products that are effective and safe to use. The KETO products are proudly manufactured in South Africa by an accredited licensed Laboratory

Copyright © 2009 Nutri’lean

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